v2 update to Baldur's Gate - The Original Saga


BAM! This game has been FIX'D!
Before I give you guys the link to the patch however, you need to prepare your game folder.

First things first: the game will not run if the path to its folder is too long. I can't be bothered to figure out how long is too long, but suffice to say I had to change the name of folder to the game files... and now so do you.

  1. Browse to your game folder.
  2. Go to App.
  3. Rename Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga to BGtOS. Capitalization is important!!

At this point, you are done preparing!
Download the patch here - overwrite everything. Please note this will overwrite your Baldur.ini file.

If at some later time, you'd like to change the default location of the game files (BGtOS), you can do so with the Baldur's Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ini file. You can change several folders and settings in there as well.

If you ever get an error message when starting the game (after the intro videos), move the game to the root of your drive and try again. If you do not get an error, that means the path to your game was too long.

Have fun!
As always, I encourage bug reports!
Keep them as detailed as possible, thanks!

EDIT: The launcher will create two files in the root of your drive; Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ico and Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.nsi. To fix this, open the Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ini file and find the line that says ;ExtractSources=TRUE. Remove the semicolon, and change true to false (capitalization doesn't matter). You can safely delete those two files.


Anonymous said...

Not that I am complaining about anything because i appreciate everything but why will it crash with the long path I'm just curious.

Milo said...

As far as I can tell, it was a limitation of the original game.

With the portable folder format, the game was in a very deep directory.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting the -1 error, two important points though:
-I'm using BGTrilogy [complete]
-Before I delete the original files the portable game works, after I delete it I get the -1

Milo said...

It's probably your baldur.ini file that's pointing to the wrong locations; but it could also be your Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ini.

What you're looking to do, is make sure the OldPath section of the Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ini is pointing to the same folder as the [Alias] section in baldur.ini. The path most not end with a slash (/) in the Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga Portable.ini file, but it does in the baldur.ini. Then check the .reg file too, but this is secondary - you don't need to do this to make the game run.

Milo said...

The path they point to doesn't have to be anything important, they just need to be the same and so they will be automatically changed to the correct path as you run the game.

Anonymous said...

Hey, It works now! Thanks Very Much. Really Appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

this anonymous, the one with BGT, hasn't tried it yet.
Just making a clarification =p

Anonymous said...

where is the patch? is it included in the download from pirate bay? i don't see an external link with a v2 patch.

Milo said...

It's not included in the pirate bay download. Sorry the link is a little hard to read in the post above, here it is:


Anonymous said...

it didn't work at all... cant find bgmain2.exe

please email instructions on how this will work or im afraid i wont reccomend to my mates or use again :(


Milo said...

Look at this folder structure.

That's the way everything needs to be set up. The directory BGtOS is case sensitive.

Anonymous said...

everything is set up fine, it's all right, it's all case sensitive correct. Where is BGMain2.exe so I may move it myself?

Anonymous said...

I just looked at your folder structure and i don't have most of those files. perhaps you torrent is missing something??? I will provide a screen shot of what I have.


Anonymous said...

The link didn't work for some reason here it is again


and here is another


html isn't allowed so hopefully one of them works

Anonymous said...

the link didnt work again. it ends in FILES.jpg so just ad that yourself

Milo said...

The screenshot you left for me is a picture of the game's 'root' folder!

If I were to click on the 'app' folder I see in that screenshot, I should see another folder called 'BGtOS' which should have the game files. If instead there is a folder called "Baldurs Gate - The Original Saga" with the game files, then rename this folder to 'BGtOS' and you should be fine.

As a separate suggestion, the path to the game is way too long, and probably won't run. If you get a different error running the game after you've done the above, then you need to move the game to a directory that's closer to your drive letter.

Anonymous said...

even in the app file etc etc there aren't any game files. its those same filesi n there too, it is the same thing in a big loop. in app is another folder called app and goes around and around and none of them have the files. i think you should check up on your torrect, maybe the game fiels are in the 001 and 002 files which POWERISO doesn't want to open???

Milo said...

Don't use powerISO! Use 7z!

Here is a complete walk through of the folders in the torrent. I only opened the 7z.001 file - because it automatically opens the 7z.002 file.


It could be that you were referring to the folder appinfo? If so, that's not where the game files are!

Anonymous said...

Hi There,
Firstly wanted to say you are doing such a fantastic job (And might I point out to anyone who get erm impatient. All this is done OFF HIS OWN BACK)
I have just downloaded this and saw there was a patch but don't seem to be able to find it.
The Link : http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/102727/USBGaming.org/%5BLauncher%5D%20Baldur%27s%20Gate%20-%20The%20Original%20Saga%20Portable%20%5BUSBGaming.org%5D.7z
Gives the old 404 page not fouond error.

Could you shine a light on this please.

Anonymous said...

Ok I was a bit slow there :op
Downloaded the new version, works a treat whoohoo!
Many thanks!

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