Minor Update

I didn't like the last solution I had for BG2. Sure, it worked, but it wasn't...elegant as we like to say in programming parlance.

I've wanted to include an .ini file with releases, so you all have more options (easier access to command parameters, change the .exe to run if you've installed a mod or whatever, etc.). So I've changed things, and from now on there will be an .ini file that will take care of what "path.txt" was doing just this morning - and more!

There's no reason to update your game if it works, but for people who are just now coming here to figure out why their BG2 crashes, they can just download the patch from the last post. I've updated it to this new .ini system.

BG1 to follow shortly.


Anonymous said...

I keep getting a -1 crash whenever I try to run the game after deleting the original files.

Milo said...

Does the patch you downloaded have the baldur.ini in it?

Anonymous said...


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