I'd like to keep mini-updates to the twitter page
I'm planning a large site-wide update of graphics, layout, download options, help section and updating older games while redefining other options.
I have very little time to work on this site, and updates will come in small increments at irregular intervals. I want to keep this site clean of these little messages from me, and leave only game releases and game fixes. Minor site news and planned updates I'd like to keep separate, so if you'd like an "inside-look" into what I'm doing, please follow me on twitter.
I do read your comments and appreciate your thanks!
I also see people that are having trouble with releases, but time is hard to ration between moving forward, and supporting older releases. I strongly feel that I need to find time to respond to all of you individually, but I simply can't. I do take your issues into consideration, and I'd like to make future (re-)releases have better detection of common problems and avoid them automatically.
That's all I can say for now!
3:13 PM | Labels: News | 4 Comments